

Category: History


Sexual beliefs of the ancient Roman Empire

Roman civilization is known for its particular approach to sexuality. However, there is evidence that sexual attitudes and behaviors in ancient Rome were extraordinarily diverse and flexible. While there were undoubtedly strict social norms regarding sexuality, there was also a great deal of fluidity and variation in how people expressed their sexuality.

Sexual attitudes and behaviors are indicated in art, literature, inscriptions, archaeology, and architecture.

One of the most striking aspects of Roman sexuality is the relative absence of strict gender roles. Both men and women were expected to be sexually active, and there was no real stigma for either sex to engage in any sexual activity. This meant that both men and women could enjoy a wide range of sexual activities inside and outside of marriage.

Ancient Rome was when sexuality played an essential role in everyday life. People could have different types of relationships, and sex was seen as a natural part of life. This is reflected in the art and literature of the time, which often depict sexual scenes. Quite different from the norms of behavior that the Christian tradition has established over the centuries in society.

Here is a compilation of sexual beliefs of the ancient Roman Empire.

The disease of virgins by Hippocrates

Hippocrates’ disease of virgins is a rare and incurable condition that only affects young women who have never been married or sexually active. The disease is named after the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, who first described it in his medical treatise On the Sacred Disease.

The disease is characterized by sudden symptoms such as fever, headache, and convulsions, followed by paralysis and death. There is no known cure for Hippocrates’ virgins’ disease, and the only treatment is to prevent young girls from becoming infected in the first place. The best way to do this is to ensure they are married or sexually active before they turn 16.

Female sexuality

In ancient Rome, female sexuality was often considered a threat to the stability of the state. Women were expected to be chaste and faithful to their husbands, and any sexual activity outside of marriage was frowned upon. Many laws and social norms sought to control women’s sexuality, and the penalties for breaking these norms could be severe. In some cases, women who engaged in sexual relations outside of marriage were publicly humiliated or even sentenced to death.

Female nudity

The view of female nudity in ancient Rome has been debated and controversial for many years. There are various arguments and interpretations regarding how Roman society viewed the naked female form, and there is no clear consensus. Some scholars believe Roman culture was very tolerant of nudity and that women were free to bear their breasts and bodies in public without being stigmatized or judged. Others believe that, although Roman culture was more tolerant of nudity than other cultures of the time, there was still a strong sense of modesty and decorum regarding the naked female form. Furthermore, others believe that, although some women could bare their breasts and body in public, it was generally considered taboo and inappropriate for most women to do so.

Male sexuality

The Romans believed that men should actively participate in all sexual activity. Male passivity symbolized the loss of control, and Roman men were permitted and legally accepted to have sex with men or women as long as the Roman man was active. If a man enjoyed being penetrated, he was called pathic, which can be translated as passive and was considered weak and feminine.

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Lex Scantinia

The Lex Scantinia law in ancient Rome prohibited a freeborn man from having sexual relations with the wife, daughter, or mother of another freeborn man. The law was first enacted in the 3rd century BC and was later expanded to include any form of a same-sex relationship. Violation of the law was punishable by death, exile, or confiscation of property.


This law regulated sexual behavior, including pederasty, adultery, and the passive practice of homosexuality, going so far as to stipulate the death penalty for free males who assumed this role in homosexual practices.

 Lex Iulia

The Lex Iulia de adulteriis coerced was a law instituted by Augustus Caesar in 18 BC. The purpose of this law was to punish adultery and fornication to preserve the sanctity of marriage and for avoiding any dishonor that would befall the woman’s husband and his family. This law was also intended to dissuade men from committing adultery, as it could lead to imprisonment and even death. It was not the first attempt by the Roman state to legislate against adultery, but it was by far the most successful.

The Lex Iulia de Adulteriis Coërcendis consisted of two parts: the first dealt with the punishment of the adulterer. In contrast, the second dealt with punishing the woman who had committed adultery. The punishment for the adulterer was exile, while that of the woman was dead. The law also stipulated that if the husband forgave his wife’s adultery, she would still be condemned to death. This law was very harsh, and it is not surprising that it was widely ignored. The fact that Caesar Augustus himself had several children out of wedlock probably contributed to the lack of success of the law.

The second attempt to legislate against adultery, the Lex Iulia de Adulteriis Coërcendis of 18 BC, was much more successful. The main difference between this law and the previous one was that it made no distinction between the punishment of adulterers and the punishment of adulteresses. Both were to be banished. This law was much more lenient with husbands who forgave their wives’ adultery. Therefore, this law was much more effective in deterring adultery, as it made the punishment the same for both sexes. The fact that the law was more lenient to husbands who forgave their wives’ adultery probably contributed to its success.

Lex Iulia de vi publica


The Lex Iulia de vi publica was a law of ancient Rome that prohibited violence against citizens. The penalty for violating the law was an exile from Rome. The law was passed in an attempt to prevent violence and civil unrest. The law succeeded in its goal and helped maintain peace in Rome for centuries.


Adultery in ancient Rome was considered a severe crime. If a married woman was caught having an affair, she could be punished by her husband, including divorce or even death. A man who committed adultery could also be punished, but not as harshly as the woman. Sometimes, a man could be forced to divorce his wife or pay a fine. Adultery was considered a threat to the stability of marriage and family life. It was also believed that adultery could lead to other serious crimes, such as murder.


The fact that the father or the older man would manage the family was important. The implementation of the punishment would be the responsibility of such a man. In many cases, the convicted woman was forbidden to remarry if death was not the penalty.


In ancient Rome, concubinage was the practice of having sexual relations with women who were not one’s wives. These relationships were usually entered for convenience or financial gain, and the women involved were usually of a lower social status than men. Although concubinage was technically illegal, it was widely practiced and tolerated.


The children of concubines were considered illegitimate and had few rights, but they were often well cared for by their parents and received a good education. In some cases, they even went on to successful careers in politics or the military.


Concubinage was less common among the upper classes, who tended to marry for political reasons or to cement alliances. However, it was not unknown for wealthy and powerful men to have concubines. Julius Caesar, for example, had a long relationship with the queen of Egypt, Cleopatra.


Despite legal and social restrictions, concubines in ancient Rome often enjoyed greater freedom and autonomy than their counterparts in other cultures. They were generally free to come and go as they pleased and were not obliged to perform household chores or bear children.

The master and the enslaved person

From religion, sexuality was promoted as an aspect of the sexuality of the state. Prostitution was legal, public, and widespread; pornographic paintings appeared among the art collections of the most prominent families, and oral sex was controversial or not much more so than anal sex or sex between two men. Restrictions on sexuality, specifically female sexuality, varied among social classes, with lower-class women and enslaved people having more sexual freedom. It is also suggested that sex during pregnancy is socially acceptable.

In Rome, rape occupied an essential place in sexual life, as the forced individual was considered to derive pleasure from it. The model of sexuality was the relationship of the master with his subordinates, i.e., submission. There was no conception of female pleasure, which was ignored or presupposed, even in the battles in conquest for Gaul.

Literature and erotic art

Erotic literature and art were prevalent in ancient Rome. They often depicted sexual scenes and were intended to titillate and entertain the viewer. Some of the most famous examples of Roman erotic literature and art are the poems of Ovid, the paintings of Pompeii and Herculaneum, and the sculptures of the Capitoline Venus. Roman erotic literature and art offer a rare glimpse into the sexual culture of ancient Rome and give us insight into the Roman view of sex and sexuality.

Erotic literature and art in ancient Rome often took the form of poetry and statues. Roman erotic literature usually focused on love, sex, and relationships. Much of the poetry written at this time was intended to be enjoyed by both men and women.

Statues depicting erotic scenes were also famous at this time. Many of these statues can still be seen in museums. They offer a glimpse into the sexual culture of ancient Rome.



The battles that led to the Roman conquest of Gaul

Who were the Gauls and where did they come from?

The Gauls were a Celtic people who lived in Gaul, a region of west-central Europe. They are believed to have come from the Danubian region of Austria and Hungary. The Gauls were divided into three main tribes: the Belgae, the Aquitans and the Celts. The Celts were the largest and most numerous tribe. The Gauls were known for their prowess in war and their love of fighting. They were also known for their skill in arts and crafts, as well as their love of music and dance. The Gauls were considered a barbaric people by the Romans, who conquered them in 51 BC. However, the Gauls continued to resist Roman rule and often rebelled against the empire. In 476 AD, the last Roman emperor was overthrown by a Germanic invader, and the Gauls regained their independence. However, they were soon conquered by the Franks, a Germanic people, and became part of the Frankish kingdom. The Gauls retained their own language and culture, but were gradually assimilated into the Frankish kingdom. Eventually, the Gauls became known as the French. Today, the French people are descended from the Gauls.

Roman conquest of Britain

The Roman conquest of Britain was a gradual and complex process spanning more than a century. The first Roman troops arrived in Britain in 55 BC under Julius Caesar, but it was not until the invasion of AD 43 led by Emperor Claudius that the Romans began their occupation in earnest. This was followed by almost four centuries of Roman rule during which time Britain was transformed. The Roman era saw the building of roads and cities, the growth of trade and industry, and the spread of Christianity.

The Romans finally withdrew from Britain in 410 AD, leaving a rich legacy. The Roman conquest of Britain was one of the most significant events in British history, shaping the country we know today.

Roman conquest of france

France was conquered by Rome in a series of campaigns between 121 BC and 12 BC. The Roman conquest of France was not only a military achievement, but also a political one. The Roman Senate established a province in Gaul, which included most of present-day France, in 58 BC. This event marked the beginning of Roman rule in France.

The campaigns leading to the conquest of France were led by some of Rome’s most famous generals, including Julius Caesar and Pompey. The Roman army managed to defeat the armies of the Gallic tribes, which were united under the leadership of Vercingetorix. In 52 BC, Vercingetorix was defeated at the Battle of Alesia, and the Roman conquest of Gaul was complete.

At the end of the 1st century AD, the Roman province of Gaul was divided into several smaller provinces. This helped to better administer the vast territory and its different peoples. The provinces were eventually merged into one, known as Gallia Lugdunensis, in the 4th century AD.

The Roman conquest of Gaul was an important event in the history of the Roman Empire. It not only expanded the territory of the empire, but also helped to consolidate Rome’s position as a major power in the Mediterranean region.

Here’s a youtube video that explains this proccess further more.